The Plymouth Tree People
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We are a Plymouth-based tree charity making all the difference
Plymouth Tree People are a volunteer run charity who, for 20 years, have been caring for and planting trees in Plymouth.
Trees are important to all of us and provide us with a huge variety of benefits. Not only do trees make streets, parks, schools and public place feel nice and give us a connection to them but they provide us with shade and shelter and a habitat for wildlife. Trees improve air quality, reduce crime and benefit our mental health. Plymouth Tree People are working to increase the tree numbers in the city and through our passionate volunteer Tree Warden Network, helping to care for our existing and newly planted urban trees.
Plymouth Tree People also work to help local people learn about trees and encourage them to get involved in their care.
Become a member of Plymouth Tree People – it’s free!
Being a part of Plymouth Tree People is a great way to support the environment and learn about trees, whether you simply receive the updates or decide to get involved as a volunteer.
Plymouth needs at least 200 new trees every year just to replace those lost to old age, disease and other causes. Plymouth Tree People makes that possible by working with resident and community groups, public body landowners and Plymouth City Council. The aim is always “right tree, right place.”
Become a member. It's free
Joining Plymouth Tree People makes you part of a wider community.
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