Sadly lost to a storm in 2023

A real survivor

Post-war Plymouth

The Lord Mayor and our Chair, Penny Tarrant, planting the new tree
In April 2023, during Storm Noa, the magnificent Sycamore which had stood alongside the Guildhall for well over 100 years, was sadly lost.
Sometimes called the Survivor Sycamore, sometimes the Blitzed or Blasted Sycamore, the story surrounding this significant tree is remarkable and is surely a part of Plymouth’s history. It was the perfect companion to the Guildhall and may well have been planted at the same time the Guildhall was built in 1874. It was also listed on The Woodland Trust’s list of Ancient and Veteran Trees and featured in our the book For The Love of Trees.
On the night of 21st of March 1941 the Guildhall was set alight by incendiary bombs and by the morning the building was not much more than a shell. The Sycamore however endured, despite being just metres from the building, which for hours was completely ablaze and would have been giving off intense heat. Perhaps, the tree was kept safe by a thoughtful fireman by dousing it with water? Whether by care or a miracle, the tree survived the fire and then later, of course, the considerable redevelopment which Plymouth underwent.
Plymouth Tree People (PTP) believe that the legacy and story of this tree should be kept alive and have gifted the City of Plymouth a new Sycamore to stand in the same location. The new tree was planted on March 22nd 2024, and we were honoured that the Lord Mayor, Councillor Mark Shayer, led with the planting. In his speech, he thanked Plymouth Tree People for the gift of the new tree and stressed the importance of a partnership approach for delivering Plymouth’s Plan for Trees.
Project Info
Trees planted: 1
Planting season:
Planting seasons start October in the years shown and run to the following March.
Species planted:
- Acer Pseudoplatanus